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Glistrup og Spies trailer: Bekijk de nieuwste beelden hier!

Spies & Glistrup - trailer

glistrup og spies trailer

Glistrup og Spies Trailer: Een overzicht

Glistrup og Spies Trailer is een Deense biografische film uit 2014 die het levensverhaal vertelt van twee invloedrijke heren uit de Deense geschiedenis: de gerespecteerde belastingrebel Mogens Glistrup en de oprichter van het nog steeds populaire reisbureau Spies Rejser, Simon Spies. De film belicht de unieke vriendschap tussen beiden mannen en hun onnavolgbare rol in de recente geschiedenis van Denemarken.

Een korte beschrijving van Glistrup og Spies Trailer

Glistrup og Spies Trailer is een biografische film die het verhaal vertelt van twee kleurrijke personages: Mogens Glistrup en Simon Spies. Glistrup was een belastingrebel die beroemd werd dankzij zijn theorieën over de economie en belastingen. Simon Spies was een succesvol zakenman die Spies Rejser, een reisbureau, oprichtte en uitgroeide tot een van de meest succesvolle bedrijven in Denemarken. De film vertelt het verhaal van hoe deze twee mannen elkaar ontmoetten en samen een rol speelden in de geschiedenis van Denemarken.

De belangrijkste cast van Glistrup og Spies Trailer

De belangrijkste acteurs in de film zijn Nikolaj Lie Kaas (bekend van “The Killing”) als Mogens Glistrup en Pilou Asbæk (bekend van “Game of Thrones” en “Borgen”) als Simon Spies. Andere belangrijke castleden zijn Ole Dupont, Kasper Leisner, Frank Hvam en Mia Lyhne.

De plot en verhaallijn van Glistrup og Spies Trailer

Glistrup og Spies Trailer gaat over de ontmoeting tussen Glistrup en Spies en hoe zij samen deel uitmaakten van het economische en politieke landschap van Denemarken. De film begint met de arrestatie van Glistrup wegens belastingontduiking en volgt zijn verdediging van belastingontwijking als een legitiem middel om de overheid en de belastingbetaler verantwoordelijk te houden.

Verder wordt er in de film veel aandacht besteed aan de ontwikkeling van de reisindustrie in Denemarken, met name door Spies Rejser. Simon Spies, die zelf ook een omstreden figuur was, speelde een belangrijke rol in deze ontwikkeling en nam het voortouw in het aanbieden van goedkope vakanties voor de gewone man en vrouw. Hij stelde dat iedereen het recht had om te genieten van het leven, ook als dat betekende dat je schulden moest maken.

De film vertelt op meeslepende wijze hoe de levens van deze twee controversiële mannen samenkomen en wat hun invloed is op de geschiedenis van Denemarken.

Het verschil tussen Glistrup og Spies Trailer en het echte verhaal

Hoewel de film gebaseerd is op waar gebeurde gebeurtenissen, zijn er enkele discrepanties tussen de film en de werkelijkheid. Zo wordt in de film bijvoorbeeld Glistrup afgebeeld als een veel charismatischer figuur dan hij in werkelijkheid was. Ook wordt er in de film meer nadruk gelegd op de persoonlijke relatie tussen Glistrup en Spies dan op hun rol in de respectievelijke sectoren waar ze werkzaam waren.

Hoewel deze discrepanties deels gebaseerd zijn op artistieke keuzes en deels op de vereenvoudiging van het echte verhaal, doen ze geen afbreuk aan de algehele boodschap van de film.

De impact van Glistrup og Spies Trailer op het publiek

Glistrup og Spies Trailer is zowel commercieel als kritisch een succes geworden. De film werd genomineerd voor een groot aantal prijzen en won onder meer de Deense Filmprijs voor Beste Acteur en Beste Originele Scenario. Het publiek werd aangetrokken door het onconventionele verhaal en de levendige vertolking van de twee hoofdpersonages.

De film trok bovendien veel aandacht vanwege zijn controversiële onderwerpen, zoals belastingontduiking en economische vrijheid. De discussie die hierdoor ontstond, droeg wellicht ook bij aan het succes van de film. Het is duidelijk dat Glistrup og Spies Trailer een belangrijk onderdeel is geworden van de Deense cultuur en geschiedenis en dat deze nog lang zal voortleven.


1. Wanneer kwam Glistrup og Spies Trailer uit?

Glistrup og Spies Trailer kwam in 2014 uit.

2. Wie spelen de hoofdrollen in Glistrup og Spies Trailer?

De hoofdrollen worden gespeeld door Nikolaj Lie Kaas als Mogens Glistrup en Pilou Asbæk als Simon Spies.

3. Wat is het verhaal van Glistrup og Spies Trailer?

Glistrup og Spies Trailer vertelt het verhaal van Mogens Glistrup en Simon Spies, twee kleurrijke personages uit de Deense geschiedenis. De film belicht hun vriendschap en hun onnavolgbare rol in de economische en politieke ontwikkeling van Denemarken.

4. Hoe is de film ontvangen?

Glistrup og Spies Trailer is zowel commercieel als kritisch een succes geworden. De film werd genomineerd voor een groot aantal prijzen en won onder meer de Deense Filmprijs voor Beste Acteur en Beste Originele Scenario. Het publiek werd aangetrokken door het onconventionele verhaal en de levendige vertolking van de twee hoofdpersonages.

5. Wat is het verschil tussen Glistrup og Spies Trailer en het echte verhaal?

Hoewel de film gebaseerd is op waar gebeurde gebeurtenissen, zijn er enkele discrepanties tussen de film en de werkelijkheid. Zo wordt in de film bijvoorbeeld Glistrup afgebeeld als een veel charismatischer figuur dan hij in werkelijkheid was. Ook wordt er in de film meer nadruk gelegd op de persoonlijke relatie tussen Glistrup en Spies dan op hun rol in de respectievelijke sectoren waar ze werkzaam waren.

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Spies & Glistrup – trailer

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spies og glistrup

Spies og Glistrup is a Danish biographical film based on the life and times of Simon Spies and Mogens Glistrup, two prominent figures in Denmark in the 1960s and 70s. The film delves into the lives of these individuals, their political beliefs, and the impact they had on Danish society. The film was released in 2013 and was directed by Christoffer Boe. It received critical acclaim for its unique storytelling style and for its portrayal of the central characters.

Simon Spies was a Danish entrepreneur who built a tourism empire in the 1960s and 70s. He was known for his lavish lifestyle, his penchant for beautiful women, and his extravagance. Spies was also known for his political views and for his unorthodox approach to life. He believed that people should be allowed to live as they wanted, without being constrained by societal norms or conventions. He was a staunch supporter of individual freedom and believed that the government should not intervene in the lives of its citizens.

Mogens Glistrup was a Danish lawyer and politician who was known for his extreme views. He co-founded the Progress Party in 1972, which was widely regarded as a far-right political party. Glistrup was known for his controversial statements, his criticism of the welfare state, and his support for tax evasion. He believed that the government should not have the right to tax its citizens and that tax evasion was a legitimate form of protest against the state.

The film explores the relationship between Spies and Glistrup, two men who were very different from each other but who shared a common belief in individual freedom. The film is set in the 1960s and 70s, a time when Denmark was undergoing significant social and political changes. The film captures the essence of this era, with its focus on freedom, individualism, and rebellion. It also explores the darker side of this period, with its drug culture, sexual promiscuity, and political unrest.

Spies og Glistrup is a powerful and thought-provoking film that challenges viewers to consider their own beliefs about freedom, politics, and society. It is an important film that sheds light on a seminal period in Danish history and on two individuals who had a profound impact on their country.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is Spies og Glistrup a true story?

A: Yes, the film is based on the real-life events of Simon Spies and Mogens Glistrup.

Q: What is the significance of Simon Spies and Mogens Glistrup in Danish history?

A: Spies and Glistrup were two of the most prominent figures in Denmark in the 1960s and 70s. They were known for their political views and for their impact on Danish society. Spies built a tourism empire, while Glistrup co-founded the Progress Party, a far-right political party.

Q: What is the main theme of the film?

A: The main theme of the film is individual freedom and the impact of societal norms on individual lives. The film challenges viewers to consider their own beliefs about freedom, politics, and society.

Q: Is the film suitable for all audiences?

A: The film is rated R for its depiction of drug use, sexual content, and language. It may not be suitable for all audiences.

Q: What is the significance of the time period in which the film is set?

A: The film is set in the 1960s and 70s, a time of significant social and political change in Denmark. The film captures the essence of this era, with its focus on freedom, individualism, and rebellion.

Q: What is the impact of Spies and Glistrup on modern Denmark?

A: Spies and Glistrup had a profound impact on Danish society, particularly in the areas of politics and tourism. Their legacy is still felt today.

Q: What is the significance of the relationship between Spies and Glistrup?

A: The relationship between Spies and Glistrup is significant because it highlights the shared belief in individual freedom that was central to both men. Despite their differences, their commitment to this belief brought them together.

In conclusion, Spies og Glistrup is a must-see film for anyone interested in Danish history, politics, or society. It is a powerful and thought-provoking film that challenges viewers to examine their own beliefs about freedom, politics, and society. The film captures the essence of a seminal period in Danish history and sheds light on two individuals who had a profound impact on their country.

spies, skæg og ballade

Spies, Skæg og Ballade in Nederlands

The world of spies has always been fascinating. The idea of espionage in itself is interesting – the idea that there are people out there gathering intelligence that can impact the fate of nations. The world is full of spy movies and TV shows, but what is it really like to be a spy? And why is Netherlands, a country known for its liberal policies and windmills, such a popular place for spies to gather?

There is no doubt that Netherlands has a reputation for being a favorite haunt for spies. The Dutch have been living in a state of almost perpetual war in recent decades, and this has only added to the allure of the country for spies. There is also an element of mystique and glamour that surrounds the world of espionage, which has only been intensified by the prevalence of spy movies and TV shows.

But what is the reality of spies in Netherlands? What is their role and how much of their work is enshrouded in secrecy? Let’s take a deeper dive into the world of spies, skæg og ballade (fun and games) in Netherlands.

Who are the Spies in Netherlands?

Spies are people who gather intelligence on behalf of a government, organization, or individual. They are often referred to as agents, and their work involves gathering information that is not readily available to the public. There are cases where spies infiltrate a target organization or country to obtain classified information about their activities, while others work covertly by hacking into computer networks.

Netherlands has a mix of domestic and foreign spies. Domestic spies work for the country’s internal intelligence agency, the General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD). They gather information on threats to the country’s security, monitor political activity, and keep an eye on potential terrorist groups.

On the other hand, foreign spies work for their country’s intelligence agencies and are tasked with gathering intelligence from other countries. These spies are often placed in an embassy or are disguised as businessmen, journalists, academics, or diplomats.

Why is Netherlands such a Popular Place for Spies?

Netherlands is a popular place for spies for a number of reasons. Firstly, the country is an important hub for international trade and commerce. Many multinational companies have their headquarters in the Netherlands, making it an attractive destination for businesspeople and diplomats. This makes it easier for spies to blend in, and thus, collect intelligence.

Secondly, Netherlands is home to several international organizations, including the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, the European Union, and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. These organizations attract diplomats and government officials from all over the world, providing ample opportunities for spies to gather intelligence.

Thirdly, Netherlands is one of the most liberal countries in the world, with a reputation for tolerance and openness. This makes it more attractive for foreigners to come and live in the country, and also makes it easier for spies to operate with a low level of suspicion.

Lastly, the Dutch have always had a reputation for being laid back and relaxed. This is also true of their intelligence services, who sometimes use humor and irony in their work. This laid-back approach to intelligence gathering has been dubbed ‘skæg og ballade,’ which roughly translates to ‘fun and games.’

What is Skæg og Ballade in Netherlands?

Skæg og Ballade is a term that was coined in the Netherlands to describe the country’s intelligence services. It roughly translates to ‘fun and games,’ which gives you an idea of the approach the Dutch take to intelligence gathering.

The Dutch intelligence agencies have a reputation for being innovative and creative in their work. They are known for using humor and irony to get the job done, and for taking a more laid-back approach to the work of espionage. They have also been known to use unconventional methods to gather intelligence, such as impersonating journalists or setting up fake companies.

One example of this approach can be seen in the AIVD’s use of social media. In a 2018 operation, the AIVD created a fake LinkedIn profile for a woman named ‘Katie Jones.’ The profile was used to connect with US officials and gather intelligence on their activities. The AIVD was later credited with uncovering Russian interference in the 2016 US election.

The Dutch intelligence services are known for taking a more pro-active approach to their work. They do not rely solely on existing sources of intelligence, but instead, actively seek out new sources of information. This has led to some controversy in the past, with critics arguing that the Dutch intelligence agencies are too aggressive in their work.


1. What is espionage?
Espionage is the act of gathering information on behalf of a government, organization, or individual, with the aim of gaining an advantage over an enemy or competitor.

2. Who are spies and what do they do?
Spies are people who gather intelligence on behalf of a government, organization, or individual. They may work domestically or abroad and are tasked with obtaining information that is not available to the public. This information might be used for various purposes, including identifying threats to national security, tracking the activities of an enemy country or organization, or gaining a competitive advantage in the business world.

3. What is the AIVD?
The General Intelligence and Security Service, commonly known as the AIVD, is the Netherlands’ internal intelligence agency. It is tasked with gathering and analyzing intelligence related to national security threats, terrorism, and cyber threats.

4. What is Skæg og Ballade?
Skæg og Ballade is a term that was coined in the Netherlands to describe the country’s intelligence services. It roughly translates to ‘fun and games’, which gives you an idea of the approach the Dutch take to intelligence gathering. The Dutch intelligence agencies are known for being innovative and creative in their work and for taking a more laid-back approach to the work of espionage.

5. Why is Netherlands a popular place for spies?
Netherlands is a popular place for spies for a number of reasons. Firstly, the country is an important hub for international trade and commerce, making it an attractive destination for businesspeople and diplomats. Secondly, Netherlands is home to several international organizations, attracting diplomats and government officials from all over the world. The country is also known for its tolerance and openness, making it easier for foreigners to operate with a low level of suspicion. Lastly, the Dutch have a laid-back approach to intelligence gathering, which has been dubbed ‘skæg og ballade’.

spies rejs og vær glad

Spionage has always been a fascinating subject for many people. The allure of secret missions, clandestine operations, and covert intelligence gathering has captured the imagination of many. The Dutch language has its unique word for spionage – “spionage”. In the Netherlands, spionage plays a vital role in safeguarding national security and protecting the country from foreign threats. In this article, we will explore the significance of spionage in the Netherlands, the challenges faced by spies, and how spionage can impact our lives.

Why is spionage important in the Netherlands?

Spionage is vital in the Netherlands because it helps the Dutch government to stay informed about potential threats to national security. The Dutch Intelligence and Security Services (AIVD and MIVD) are responsible for gathering intelligence and information about potential threats to the country. This information includes anything from cyber-attacks to terrorist activity. By gathering this information, the Dutch government can take appropriate measures to safeguard the country and its citizens.

Additionally, spionage plays a significant role in foreign policy. Diplomats and other government officials often rely on intelligence gathered through spionage to negotiate with foreign governments. Without this intelligence, it would be challenging to make informed decisions that could impact the Netherlands’ relationships with other countries.

Finally, spionage can help to protect Dutch citizens who are traveling or living abroad. By gathering intelligence about potential threats to Dutch citizens abroad, the government can provide information and assistance to those in need.

What are the challenges faced by spies in the Netherlands?

Spies in the Netherlands face numerous challenges. One of the biggest hurdles is being able to gather information without getting caught. Unlike in movies, spies in real-life do not have access to the same tools and devices that we see in Hollywood. Instead, they must rely on their instincts, wits, and training to remain undetected.

Another challenge that spies face is maintaining their cover. Spies often work in environments where they cannot reveal their true identity. This means that they must develop and maintain a believable cover story to avoid arousing suspicion. Any slip-up in their cover story could result in their discovery and arrest.

Finally, spies also face the risk of physical harm. The nature of their work often puts them in dangerous situations where they must make quick decisions to protect themselves and their mission. This can include operating in conflict zones where violence is a real threat, or dealing with hostile individuals who may discover their true identity.

How does spionage impact our lives?

Spionage can impact our lives in many ways. For example, spionage can help to prevent terrorist attacks, cyber-attacks, and other criminal activities. By gathering intelligence and information about potential threats, the government can take appropriate measures to protect citizens and prevent harm.

Additionally, spionage can provide insights into foreign policy and help to shape the way that the Dutch government interacts with other countries. By understanding the motivations and actions of foreign governments, the Netherlands can make informed decisions that are in the best interests of its citizens.

Finally, spionage can help to protect Dutch citizens who are living or traveling abroad. By gathering information about potential threats, the government can provide guidance and assistance to those in need. This can include anything from issuing travel warnings to evacuating citizens from dangerous areas.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is spionage legal in the Netherlands?
A: Yes, spionage is legal in the Netherlands. However, the Dutch government has strict rules and regulations around its use. Spionage must be conducted within the bounds of the law, and the collection of intelligence must be proportionate to the threat faced by the country.

Q: How does the Dutch government recruit spies?
A: The Dutch Intelligence and Security Services (AIVD and MIVD) recruit spies through a variety of methods. This can include advertising for positions, approaching individuals who have relevant skills or experience, or recruiting individuals who are already working in sensitive positions.

Q: What kind of training do spies receive?
A: The training that spies receive varies depending on the agency that they work for and the specific role that they are performing. However, it typically includes training in surveillance, counter-surveillance, communication, and espionage techniques.

Q: How are spies protected by the Dutch government?
A: Spies who work for the Dutch government are protected by strict regulations and laws. This includes confidentiality agreements, legal representation, and protection against retaliation from their targets.

Q: Are spies always successful in their missions?
A: No, spies are not always successful in their missions. The nature of spionage means that there is always a risk of failure, detection, or harm. However, the training and expertise of Dutch spies ensure that they are well-prepared to handle these challenges.

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Spies & Glistrup - trailer
Spies & Glistrup – trailer

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